I have searched hi and low on this subject. I have tried to burn a dvd but, when i try to play it in my dvd player, it doesn't work. It WILL work on my pc. I've tried Nero, Clonedvd, Dvdshrink. I found a webpage that had step by step pictures, nothing works. I am using DVD RW's is that the problem? I'm not copying from a dvd, i copied the dvd files onto my computer because Nero had a problem trying to copy from the disc, probably too many scratches. Any suggestions? Thank yooouuuuuu!!!
Welcome to aD! Here's some question for you to try and help sort this out. Does your player support reading -/+ rw? You can check here for the formats it will support. Just type in the make and/or model #: http://www.videohelp.com/dvdplayers Next what brand of media are you using? Some are much better than other when it comes compatibility and quality. How about your drive - is the firmware up to date on it? How did you rip the files to your hard drive and which program did you use to burn them?
hi so if you copied across to HD then the disc couldnt of been that scrathed, ok when you burnt it did you load all files into a VIDEO_TS folder?
Thank you for your help, i went to that website and it shows my dvd player (Cyberhome) and there are many comments for dvd-rw saying they played. I have Maxell dvd's , and i used Clonedvd to copy to my HD. The DVD writer i'm using (Sony) is new and it didn't come with any drivers, i just plugged it in and winxp recognized it and installed it (should i look for drivers?) After using Clonedvd i used Nero Burning ROM6 SE and i did load all of the files into Video_TS folder. After burning it to the DVD i played it on my PC, played fine, but doesn't play on the DVD player. I tried to copy directly from the disc using Nero but got an error message and after Googling the error message, people said that the disc was probably scratched.
I think Sony's are capable of Booktyping........... Booktyping can only be done to a +R, +RW, and +R DL discs. So, if you booktype a +R disc to be a DVD Rom, it should work. Here's info on Booktyping: http://www.k-probe.com/kprobe-bitsetting-booktype.php Good luck!
How about trying a different burning app. Nero works on 1 of my players but when I use RecordNow , the burned disc works on all of my players. Also have you checked for firmware upgrades? Like binkie7 said, check out videohelp to see what your player can play. Good luck.
sounds like discs to me chap! as pc's play almost any disc players are picky! try a dvdr not a RW or diferent brand RW
read my advise to this thread because it seems this is the same answer that you are looking for: http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/343041 use better media and try to booktype your media to DVD-ROM to make it more compatible with players! but read the above thread advise that I gave, it will help you!
Thank you so much for your help, looks like i 've got some work to do but i 'll be sure to post progress for other people with the same prob.
@nwadel Looks like you received alot of good advice!! Follow this and you should be golden I agree w/ Rotary on the dvdr - switch to them - the +r if your drive booktypes. They are sooo much cheaper than the rw discs. Just me but I only use the rw for data that I'll probably erase. Keep us posting and post back w/ any more questions. Happy Burning