I've had this problem before, were my dvd writer 740b was buring dvd movies and cds very VERY slowy, no were near 48x. So i updated the firmware and that fixed the problem. now come a couple of months later the same problem..whenever i try to copy a dvd or cd, my computer will will start operating slow and it takes a good 3 hours to read and copy a dvd...ive tried everything...uninstalling the driver...any help?
well for one thing you don't want to burn your movies fast the slower the better, also make sure that you are not doing any multitasking while you are burning, also what programs are you using to do your backing up of your dvd's? some programs work better thain others, good luck happy burning have a nice day
Sometimes your dma's can get lost from time to time.Even though you see UDMA or DMA,when in the rip/burn process-it can still switch back to pio mode without you knowing it. If you got windows xp: I'd still uninstall each IDE primary and secondary controller and reboot-1 controller at a time. Windows should reset it back to dma/udma/or either of those with "If Available". See if that helps. I've got 4 pcs burning. My gf put yahoo messenger on my limited 598 mhz p-3. What used to take 3 mins for initial analysis now takes over 10 mins. Ripping a dvd-5 would take this pc over 24 hrs to rip!No bootdiscs for this pc,so I can't reformat. My backup pc-Athlon 3000+ got slower,so I reformatted her the other day. Now she flies faster than my main pc. Even my 1 yr old main pc is slowing down. Backing up dvds definitely slows down a pc over time,especially if using dvd shrink. What programs are you using? [bold]Keep compression to a minimum.[/bold] 1) Main movie only 2) No quality enhancements 3) Cut out the beginning and ending credits. 4) Untick all unnecessary audio streams/subpictures/director's commentary,etc. 5) Smaller dvd-5's, use dvd decrypter in mode ISO read and write. With this program, I get less than 10 min rip times with my 598 mhz celeron/P4-1.6 ghz/Athlon 3000+/and Athlon 64 3400+ computers. Dvd decrypter/iso read and write mode: 1 program=no compression=faster times,except some of the newer ecrypted dvds. That 598 mhz pc in ISO read mode actually rips faster than my Athlon 3400+ machine!
if only have one hard and you burn one movie it will frag the Hard Drive to hell I don't know if you have Slave drive if you don't think about getting one then set any temp. movie folders on your slave you be amazed how much better your OS will run and most of all it dose not Frag your Master drive