Hi guys, I'm still new in burning dvds. I was wondering if you can help me with some of the questions I have in mind. - When upgrading firmware versions in a dvd writer, what are the possible impacts it may bring? Does it improve your dvd writers performace? Does it bring new restrictions to burning dvds? - My computer is a bit old. Its a 800mhz with 256mb memory. Currenty I can only burn around 1.3-2x. Besides from buying a new pc, what other options can I do to improve my burning speed? Thanks ^_^
This forum is for set top recorders ... this shoud be in the DVD±R drives forum ... To improve your drive's performance, first I need to know what drive you have ... Is it a 2x, 2.4x, 4x, 8x or a 16x dtive? Go to the bottom link in my sig and read 'tips to speed up your burner' that should help if help is possible
Hi catfreak, Thanks for the info. My drive speed is 16x. Unfortunately its an LG internal dvd writer. I should have read the forum first before i bought the writer. Anyways, I have already set both primary and secondary IDE channel to "DMA if available" but the current transfer mode is only in PIO mode. Am I missing some steps to enable DMA transfer mode? Thanks.