does this version have ripper? If not, can ripper be integrated into it? I just ordered 2 copies of it.
Yep indeed it has the ripper,last version with the ripper was v4038,321 studios no longer support products that include the ripper,email support@321 studios and request a new Licence to get RF version,you will need to supply them with your Licence ID,Password etc. ispy
thanx man. I just bought 2 of em and was hoping they had the ripper. Found em 60 bucks a whack too. Thet have about 200 retail versions left. If anyone needs any just post that you need em and i will post the url. later dudes
cuz i seen what they are selling for on ebay. I can sit on the copies for a couple months and should get a fair better price than what i paid for em.
Rustybone They will only be of any value if they can be activated in future,a bit like storing money in a tin under the bed for years and currencey changes and banks wont change it. ispy