I was wondering if someone could answer my question before I buy DVD2ONE. If I have a movie that is a total of 5GB, can I use DVD2ONE to make an EXACT copy of it, with menu's extra features and all, but compressed onto 1 DVD? When I tried with the demo version, the result was 1/2 hour of the movie...that went strait to the movie, bypassing the menu's. The other purpose I would want to use this program is if I make a DVD folder using DVDit PE, that is just slightly to big to fit on a DVD. 4.8GB for example. Can I use DVD2ONE to compress that to 4.7, but keep everything else identical? Thanks!
DVD2Copy? What's that? DVD2One only maintains the movie, not the extras nor the menus -- at least in current versions.
Thanks for the help. Is there any software out that will do what I need it to? I heard of one other dvd copying program that compresses, but forgot what it was called. Thanks.
Pinnacle Instant Copy is what you are looking for. Go to the Advanced User Area or do a search. I have a quick little tutorial and review on it.