DVD2One problem/question

Discussion in 'DVD2One forum' started by bigjabby, Aug 8, 2005.

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  1. bigjabby

    bigjabby Member

    Aug 8, 2005
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    Ive been using DVD Decryptor and DVD2One for about 6 months now but now Im am gettin an error message when trying to use dvd2one after decrypting the movie and Im curious if anyone has seen this error message...

    Everything seems to decrypt properly then when I use DVD2one when it begins its process before it even hits one percent it says.

    "Unable to read vobfileset 1 in directory" Anyone have this error message yet? Im curious if its an issue with decryptor or with dvd2one...
  2. nrautava

    nrautava Guest

    Have u reinstall it?
  3. krosser00

    krosser00 Guest

    i know whats the prob you need to use anydvd with dvd dycrypter its a bad dvd structure and dvd dycrypter doest fix it but anydvd does had the same prob and now it works btw can anyone tellme how to crack dvd2one 1.5.2 cos i tryd a lot of serials and it alwais sais i got it from the internet and so i can not register some help please
  4. excaliber

    excaliber Guest

    email me and i will send you a full working copy of dvd2one.
    put in the subject of the email dvd2one programme
  5. krosser00

    krosser00 Guest

    just download from the site and find a crack
    and already have a working dvd2 one but thanks anyway
  6. nrautava

    nrautava Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2005
  7. Nephilim

    Nephilim Moderator Staff Member

    Feb 13, 2003
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    Two idiots gone for piracy.
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