Dvd2xbox / Directory Issues

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by Evander1, Apr 11, 2006.

  1. Evander1

    Evander1 Member

    Apr 2, 2006
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    In copying my games onto my Xbox I have run into a couple of inconsitancies I was hoping someone could explain. Is this a fluke, or does it happen often?

    Most games copy correctly into the E/Games directory and show up on the Evox dash. However, I have encountered 3 other scenerios:

    1) Dvd2xbox creates 2 directories - one named after the game (for example... "E:/games/burnout revenge", and another named "Dvd2xbox01" which also contains many of the required game files. (the game is selectable by Evox)

    2) Dvd2xbox creates a only one directory named "E:/games/dvd2xbox" In it is all of the game filed and the only way I can get Evox to see the game it to rename the folder.

    3) When FTP my games to my PC for archiving purposes, back them up to a DVD in data format, then later place the DVD in my xbox drive using Dvd2xbox, I select E:/games and it creates E:/games/dvd2xbox and places the game(s) in there. I simply move the games out of the folder into "e:/games" and it works fine.

    Does anyone know why this happens? The particularly annoying one is the #1 from above because when I FTP my games to my PC, I need to check to see if 2 directories were created.
  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    There is something wrong with your dvd2xbox.xml file..something is out of step in there somewhere..I think It's called something like config.xml..there are a couple of xml files in the app folder.

    Check and edit the dump directories entries..you can add lots of extra useful places like F:\music as well..dvd2xbox rips an audio cd to mp3!!how cool is that...
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 13, 2006

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