I was just trying to copy a dvd and the icopydvd program will not recognize the dvd, dvd43 already got past the devil ears to the smiley face, but it still is not recognizing the dvd...any ideas?
While DVD43 is a descent decrypter, it's not the best and most up to date. Try AnyDVD (21day free trial) or DVDFab Decrypter (free). Respectively, one is behind the scenes like DVD43 and the other decrypts to the HDD. Both are excellent and up to date to deal with the most determined encryptions.
well here is the follow up...I downloaded the fab prog and went to copy Dinosaurs and it tells me that there is not file in that drive and does not show up. By the way, Shrink was unable to read this also...error message and Icopy would not recognize the disc either.
My apologies for not replying sooner. Make sure DVD43 or any other decryption software you have running is turned off and try DVDFab again. I had that problem before and that was the solution.
Thank you once again, though in the interim I went ahead and purchased anydvd and clonedvd2 and it worked perfectly.