What's the difference in these? I have been using what I thought was the only version. Then I saw these and downloading it. Came in a bundle. Should I dump them? Trying to Rip Inside man
Hi PKSTEP Stick w/ dvdfab decrypter and the methods/guides alkohol linked to or w/ AnyDVD and you'll be set. No real need imho for these others.
I would like to get DVDFAB GOLD, but I don't know ware to find it. Having a little trouble with dvd shrink, it won't open the folder after I use dvd fab and vobblanker.
Hi Hddragon9 Which movie are you doing? How about the version of dvdfab decrypter? Like You can also try RipIt4me - all free and handles the newer stuff also. DVDFab Gold is a pay program and you can get it here: http://www.dvdfab.com/download.htm If you going to spend $ I would recommend AnyDVD which will just run in the background w/ Shrink removing the copy protection. Both Fab Gold and AnyDVD have free trials.