I'm trying to burn image using Sonic Dvdit Pro so I can create an .iso file and I get this message after the progress is finished. Dvdit Pro Volume Full -10011 (small pop up window.) The .iso file does not get created instead it looks like it's in progress and then I get the small pop up message after the process Volume Full -10011? Any idea why this is appearing. I have over 5GB empty space on my drive.
Just over 5 GB. Mmmm. I think maybe in the process of creating that ISO, Temporary files are created and you have both the temps and the final product. I just just think you are cutting it too close.
hermes_vb I think is right. I'm not sure about the amount that you need in space, but I would think that it would have to be at least 8 or 9 Gigs. You have your temp files, your destination files. Maybe try to clean up a little HD space and try again.
The Iso file is missing when I select burn / write disc image using Dvdit Pro Sonic 6. (this happens after it burns) I have 9GB of remaining space on my C: Drive. I tried to burn this image and the Source files appear in separate folers: video, slides, and menus. The .iso file seems to be missing. (.iso file should be inside the same folder with the Source files.)