I am trying to make an episode type dvd with 4 different "movies". the imported asset files are vobs because I tries mpg2's but the sound was out of sync. I simulated the menu before compiling the dvd and all the links worked. then after I compiled the dvd, only the first link worked. I checked the dvd volume folder and the video ts folder only had 2 vob files. Does anyone know what's wrong? I regestered on the dvd lab forums but 5 days have gon by and I still never recieved my activation email to use the forum. crappy customer service there too.
did you create four movies in dvd lab and insert an episode to each ? did you let dvd lab demux the vobs to elementery streams ? when you ran your simulation did enable follow links and if so did it follow them ? did you recieve any warnings when you started to compile ?