DVDLAB Menu problem

Discussion in 'Video - Software discussion' started by Kaztruk, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. Kaztruk

    Kaztruk Member

    Jan 25, 2005
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    I am using dvdlab to put 4 short films on a disc. I created a menu and linked the movies to their title on the menu. But when I play the dvd it does not allow me to highlight one of the titles, it simply skips over it. Tthis has happened on multiple projects. I have checked the project multiple times, what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Krisbo

    Krisbo Member

    Jan 28, 2005
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    I am having a very similar problem. I ripped the dvd video's to my Hard Disk with DVDshrink (no compression), then authored the DVD in DVDlab Pro, with a root menu connecting to the movies, but when I compile the dvd, it doesn't make any .ifo's or any other files apart from the '.vob's. Wierd.

    I tried doing a test encode, and in that case it does make the ifo's and the menu. PowerDVD just skipped over the menu, however. Media PLayer Classic, on the other hand, did not.

    That doesn't change the fact though, that when I do the real compile, it has no ifo's.

    Seems like a wierd problem. Can anyone help us?

    Edit: I wonder if this is because the conpiled film is larger than what could fit on the recordable dvd. But I don't see why it should be a problem when compiling it to hard disk. I planned to use Intervideo DVD copy afterward to shrink it to the disc.

    But surely DVDlab isn't that unintuitive, is it? Anyone?
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2005
  3. pfh

    pfh Guest

    Wouldn't have to do with 30 day trial period would it? I'm thinking of trying this s/w myself.
  4. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    Kaztruk: Turn off autoroute, and manually link your movies from the menu (right click).

    Krisbo: Use DVDDecrypter to rip. Shrink doesn't always bypass copy protect.
    Other causes:
    More than 256 precommands.
    Motion menus different aspect than project.
    More than 36 chapter links per menu.
    Different aspect ratios of video.
    Render motion to mpg and not avi.
    Invalid menu link structure.
    Empty VTS.

    DVDLab pretty much adheres to dvd spec, and if you try and compile a project that's out of spec, dvdlab just won't finish the compile. Sometimes you get an error, sometimes not.

    If your imported assets are all dvd spec compliant mpegs, of the same aspect ratio, same fps, you should have no troubles, unless you try to compile something out of spec as I mentioned above.
  5. btstephen

    btstephen Member

    Jun 7, 2005
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    i am having this problem too, how do you tell how many precommands you have? or how do you check for these conditions that will cause dvdlab to do this?

  6. rebootjim

    rebootjim Active member

    May 13, 2004
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    DVDLab's assets window will give you most of that information.
    Make sure all audio is the same bitrate and type (AC3).
    Make sure all video is the same aspect and framerate (unless pulldown is used on 23.976fps files).

    When rendering a motion menu, if mpg errors, choose avi and encode in a separate encoder.

    To check menu structure, compile with dummy movies.
    If it errors, the structure is at fault.
    If it doesn't error, but DOES when compiling with full movies, the assets are at fault.

    Look on the connections tab. If there's a VTS that has no links or content, remove it.

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