I have created an .mpv of the matrix, when i load it into DVD Maestro it checks the asset and the file's ok. But when i drag and drop the .mpv into the Movie1 windows it says: "The video asset length is greater then the maximum allowed." The duration of the mpv is 02:12:52:11. Anyone know what is causing this and what i need to do tho solve this problem?
probably your file is more than 2Gb. Try split. I have the same problem and this solve it. You can make concatenation in maestro movie bar, but the audio must be only one.
Further to the query, I have the same problem when backing up a DVD. After ReEncoding with DVD2SVCD the .mpv file exceeds 4Gb and won't go into DVD Maestro. How does on "Split to files of less than 2Gb" or otherwise get around this problem.