Folks, I have a one year old DVDR05 that just went insane. Malfunctions too many to list. Before it goes to the great beyond, I want to try loading new firmware. When I went to Ilo's website, their link for 05 support was dead. Any suggestions? Thanks
I bought two of these ilo 05's about a year ago. They've never really worked. Wal Mart screwed everyone that bought them by not honoring their responsibility as the seller of a known defective product (can they say class action lawsuit coming?) The manufacturer decided to ignore the 05 problems and their warranty to their customers as well. Don't waste your time trying the ILO 'no support' phone lines, links to nowhere on their site, or Wal Mart itelf, neither of them will help you. I browsed dozens of web sites, including this one and finally found a suitable fix for the 05. Though it isn't a complete solution, you will be able to record DVDs with these players, just forget about the 3 or 4 hour formats. They'll turn your discs into coasters for sure. The skinny on the fix is that the drive inside the 05 was manufactured by Cyberhome (still in business). They absolutely DO NOT support the ILO 05 but the firmware update for their MU1 does fix the 05 (at least it did for mine), for 1, 2, and 6 hour recordings....again, it did work for my two machines. Their firmware update is in 2 steps....front end and back end. Make sure you don't do a direct copy of the downloads to CDs...that won't work. You have to burn the image using Nero or the software Cyberhome supplies on its site. The link at Cyberhome is as follows:$$Search2?OpenForm&Product=DVR 1600MU1 If that doesn't work, just go to Cyberhome support, look up the 1600 MU1 and follow the firmware update instructions.