I know that CCE is unable to use the power of a multicore cpu like core i7. However I have another problem : the encoding with CCE starts with a cpu load of 38% and with a "speed" of encodig of about 12 ( i suppose frame/sec); after some minutes the cpu load decrease to 22% and the speed of encoding decrease at 9-10 frame/sec. Someone have an idea? My OS is win7 64 bit cce SP2 Cpu is Core i7 920 overclocked at 3,2 Ghz Ram is 1600 but operates at 1200 Thanks
Classfour thanks for you answer The priority is "normal" In the meantime i did discoved that if I disable in bios both "C1E Support" and "C-State tech" the problem disappears. Seems like DVDrebuilder was not able to engage hard the CPU and the sistem trottle between work and idle state . I am curious to know if other people with CPU like mine find the same situations. Bye
I use i7 950 and stopped using CCE in favor of Hank's (HC mode). It uses all cores and with hyper-threading, i see 8 windows pop up during encode. I have C1E support off in BIOS also and have not seen this issue, but its logical that it could be an issue.