I downloaded a film in .avi it also has a .srt file. It will play with vlc complete with subtitles but not with wmp. Windows Media player only plays the music I would like to know how to make dvd from it Adobe premier elements 3wont accept the video only the sound. Elements 6 says compression not recognised
Find out which codecs it's using with GSpot. http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/gspot.cfm This file uses the XviD video codec and AC3 audio codec and it says the codecs are installed.
I have loaded xvid codec now wmp will play video part of it but wont put subtitles which may be the srt file vlc plays it with subtitles by just clicking on the avi [the srt file is in the same folder] My problem is that I would like the xvid avi and srt to be recognised by premiere elements or a program that will make it into a dvd with subtitles
DVD Flick (freeware) will accept AVI and .srt subtitles. The program includes a concise guide and will optionally burn the disk (ImgBurn is included in the package). http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/dvd_tools/dvd_flick.cfm
Thanks everybody gspot helped could not get flick to work but I found "so think dvd maker" and it worked