Ive gots some cheap brand dvd's and my RW doesent seem to like them, nero gives me the illegal disk error. I know the data can be written because ive used one of my imation discs and it works fine. Is there any settings i can change so my RW will burn theese discs i bought. Ive heard about firmware but i dont know how to update it and what have you, so if anyone would like to help me out it would be nice. Thanks
Your burner may not be compatible with those discs. Cheap discs are never a bargain. As for your firmware, you might want to read this first. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=57993
Thanks for the help dude, ive updated the firmware and now these dvd's and my RW are best of friends =]
Okay now i'm having another problem, when ive burnt my data onto the dvd's when i try to play them in my dvd player they all seem to stop playing after about 30 minutes. I dont know if this is the media or its my DVD player; anyone had a similar problem? I'm going to try and test the media on another DVD player when i get chance.
Ive burned the same thing onto a imation disc and i get the same problem, in the same place. The whole file plays fine on my pc.
Standalone players can be very picky. A burned disc that plays fine on one player may not play on another. This is one of the many reasons that people here will advise you to use only top quality media.
I hope you didnt buy them in tesco,I bought 100 of their brand and not one of them would work. They have since stopped stocking them, according to the deputy manager of my local tesco store they stopped because of the amount of complaints.
Ive tried with two different media so far and they stop in the exact same place "26 minutes 36 seconds". Since you guys seem to like vertibaim media so much i'll try one of them and if it turns out to stop after 26.36 i guess its my dvd player.
what exactly are you trying to burn? Could this be a bad VOB file? Can you tell us what you are trying to burn and the steps... programs you have used through the process?