dvd's will not copy. What to do? Help a brutha out.

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by truthful, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. truthful

    truthful Guest

    I've been copying for a long time now. I used decrypter and now updated to dvdfab platinum. Pink panther. freedom land, and underworld evolusions will not upload for copying. I tryed both but, niether will work. Both seem to freeze and decryter says that thiers an error in the disc. I copyed 16 blocks with decrypter so I know it's working. I got freedom land uploaded into my hard drive but couldn't get it off. I tryed useing nero and dvd shrink but, only got a message that folder could not be found. What am I doing wrong? What else do I need. Can anyone help a brother out.
  2. arniebear

    arniebear Active member

    Jan 2, 2005
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    The free DVDFab Decrypter should be able to handle the protection on these disks.


    If you are having problems then run the file through VobBlanker and see if the works.


    Guide here


    Or if you have not tried the trial of AnyDVD, which is a driver that works in the background to break encryption and also has a ripper that will remove bad cells. Get it here


    After installation right click on the redfox in the tray and choose DVD rip to HDD. Check the box to remove any unreferenced or blank cells, and then choose a folder to rip to. After that you can use Shrink to process and whatever burning program you use.
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2006

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