I've been copying for a long time now. I used decrypter and now updated to dvdfab platinum. Pink panther. freedom land, and underworld evolusions will not upload for copying. I tryed both but, niether will work. Both seem to freeze and decryter says that thiers an error in the disc. I copyed 16 blocks with decrypter so I know it's working. I got freedom land uploaded into my hard drive but couldn't get it off. I tryed useing nero and dvd shrink but, only got a message that folder could not be found. What am I doing wrong? What else do I need. Can anyone help a brother out.
The free DVDFab Decrypter should be able to handle the protection on these disks. http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm If you are having problems then run the file through VobBlanker and see if the works. http://www.videohelp.com/~jsoto/vobblanker.htm Guide here http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/334154 Or if you have not tried the trial of AnyDVD, which is a driver that works in the background to break encryption and also has a ripper that will remove bad cells. Get it here http://www.slysoft.com After installation right click on the redfox in the tray and choose DVD rip to HDD. Check the box to remove any unreferenced or blank cells, and then choose a folder to rip to. After that you can use Shrink to process and whatever burning program you use.