I have the first season of The Office on my computer. I wanted to be able to play them in my DVD player so I did some research on how to do it. I found DVDSanta. For those of you who don't know, the first season of the office is only 6 episodes about 20 minutes each. The total size was 1.02GB. DVDSanta took about 2.5 hours to do it on medium resolution 16:9 ratio, is this normal? Season 2 has over 20 episodes so I am not even sure if I am going to do that because it would take so long. My next question was the episodes I have are 624 X 352, that is 16:9 right? My TV cut off some but I think it is just because I don't have a widescreen TV. Also, at this resolution would you choose the medium (352 X 480) or the high (720 X 480)? I choose the medium just thinking it would be faster. Finally, you know how the trial version has that annoying watermark saying "Demo Version, Purchase for $29.99"... Is there a way to create just a black screen ISO file (or AVI and convert it) for about 1 minute? This way the actual show won't have anything blocking it and you could just skip the blank scene that has it. Thanks
Well first the eps are off key with your tv because your tv isn't a widescreen. You Should put at high and leave it overnight. Season 2: Put it on Two Discs at High. You can get the full DVD Santa here: http://ts.searching.com/torrent/428407/DvD_Santa_V_4_Works_good literally should take you two secinds to download and this has NO Watermark. But you should get http://www.afterdawn.com/software/video_software/video_tools/nerovision_express.cfm Really Easy to use and it has menus for paticular episode viewing. Again First Season One Disc and Second Season Two discs. Thank You
The office normally plays as widescreen. Should I keep it at 16:9 or 4:3? If I use that other program that you gave a link to then I won't even need DVDSanta anymore? Thanks
No Problem DKAudio. I would keep it at 16:9 IMO it looks better. ALso after adding the video files it will probably say it is too big to fit in disc would you like to compress it. CLICK YES Good Luck using Nerovision Express
I don't want the suite, I just want a full free version of Nero Vision Express so I can burn DVDs and create a main menu to select which episode I want the watch. The link that Spirrow provided was just the trial version and could only the Video CDs. I was using DVDSanta but I would like to be able to pick certain episodes instead of skipping through each one to get to the one I want. I own Nero 6 but I don't think I can do that with that program. Thanks
Nero Vision is one of the programs in the suite. Nero doesn't have individual program downloads. Nero 6 had them in three different bundles IIRC. Nero 7 has them all together. If you have the Nero 6 suite, then you should have Nero Vision already. A newer version of Nero Vision is in Nero 7. These are trial versions that work for about a month (30 days). There are no free versions of Nero that I'm aware of.
that is true if you do have Nero 6 take that disc or file. Look for Nerovision Express 2. An earlier version but the full version. Thank You
u need a plugin for dvd's. i cant remember the site where i found it but search for nero mpeg-2 dvd plugin on google and see if you can find it. if you cant pm me ur email n ill send it to you
nice to see a fellow canaidian. Well check on torrentspy.com or even Limewire Yes in Limewire i am 100% positive that theyre was a nero 6 with nerovision express. search: "nero 6" under applications Thank you
Ok, my nero 6 had vision express. I found the MPEG DVD plugin and downloaded it, I installed it, etc. Then after adding the DVD files Nero still said DVD MPEG2 is not available...Purchase here... I clicked next anyways. Nero then said that the files were too large for the disc (about 5 GB) it asked if I wanted it to automatically compress to fit the disc, I said yes. Then it said that it couldn't do it and to try it manually, now what do I do? This season only has 6 episodes, how would I go about doing season 2 that has 20+ episodes? Thanks
go to www.seriall.com and get the serial for greater compression rates and then you should easily get 6 175mb eps on one DVD. For Season 2 (20 Eps) you can do two dvd's of 10. bu I would suggest 7,7,6 on three discs. hope that helps.
I searched through all of them and not one says anything about compression. Any ideas? I did the multichannel plug in, would this help with the MPEG2 DVD problem? Thanks