DVDXCopy - Nonexistent Customer support

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by holderlin, May 8, 2003.

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  1. holderlin

    holderlin Guest

    Let me add my voice to the growing chorus of complaints about this product and company. I have heard bad things about their product; now I can testify that their questionable product also has bad customer support.

    I recently bought DVDxCopy from Amazon because it was less expensive than from the company's site. I bought it before the deadline for a free download of DVDxpress.

    I have registered DVDxCopy, sent two e-mails with proof of purchase, license number and password. I have also sent one fax with all the information. I still have not heard from them about how to download xpress. When I try to download the website says I can pay another $49 for xpress.

    I cannot find a phone number on their website to talk to a real person. I guess I shouldn't be too disappointed that I can't get a copy of xpress since most of the recent comments have said it has its own set of problems. I just wish that the company would provide some support and keep its word to consumers. Apparently too much to hope for from DVDxCopy.


  2. dRD

    dRD I hate titles Staff Member

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