I downloaded the dvdxcopy platinum 4.0.03b from the suggested site and when I tried to activate it - it would not accept the license number and password from my original dvdxcopy product. Is there something I am missing?
If your licensed as a DVD Xcopy platinum user, you should have no problem. An express license will not work with platinum.
Thanks. I only purchased the orignal DVDxcopy, not the platinum. Guess I am out of luck unless I buy another copy
You can always contact 321 studios and upgrade to platinum, though it will be the RF version,,,Ripper Free, they usually charge the diffrence in price. I know of a tool that will re-enable the ripper in RF so that you have the full working version without the banners. I have RF and am totally enjoying it. If you decide to upgrade, respond to this thread and I'll get it to you.