do i have to waste 3 of these disks for solid burn to learn and to burn them correctly i have updated firmware this drive seems to have known every other media i have put in it even crap media and burned it great just not verb dl it did burn just realy porly by the way i love this drive great burn quality i got it because of this forum<thanks>
You can do DL Verbs with DVD Decrypter. Get it here: I found out today, that CloneCD can now burn DL discs. I haven't tried it though. CloneDVD is supposed to also, but never tried that either. I burn all my DL's with DVD Decrypter, and never had a coaster....... Good luck!
Hi, You can write to Verbatim DL with all the programs mentioned in your post JVC. BenQs' don't use SolidBurn to improve burn on DL. To get the best out Verbatim DL with current BenQ f/w it's best to strat swap using MediaCodeSpeedEdit. FYI CloneCD(latest version) is possibly one the best programs around for 1>1 copy(even DVD, including DL).
thanks for the advice i did not know that solidburn was not for dl i did use dvd decrypter for this verb dl 1:1 read/burn also first dl on this drive it did burn but not well<poor quality scan> and did not play,got title screen then browser <ps2 game> i have other dl games working from other burner w/ verb dl maybe just a fluke i just wanted to get advice from the best site on web before coastering all my dl disks so I,ll try again thanks