EAC/LAME Compression not working!!! HELP!

Discussion in 'Audio' started by danielws, May 25, 2004.

  1. danielws

    danielws Guest

    Sorry, this post was rambling

    I have eac 0.95 prebeta 5 which i am happy with
    and Lame 0.90.3, which is the recommended one to use,

    I have checked all the setting a million times, but basically after opening a cd, my computer doesnt compress it, it seems like the window opens, but LAME (small black window) only stays open for less than a second, and the compression cannot possibly be that fast, plus in the folder with my files they files are all regular cd format (1411 kb/s)

    Is this correct???

    Used output format : C:\Documents and Settings\Daniel Speek\My Documents\My Music\EAC\lame.exe (LAME MP3 Encoder)
    Variable Bitrate 192 kBit/s
    Additional command line options : %l--alt-preset 128%l%h--alt-preset standard%h %s %d

    in EAC, the option for preset is:
    %l--alt-preset 128%l%h--alt-preset standard%h %s

    Is that correct? ive never really understood the presets, i know what they do, but i dont understand how to enter them, its not like the simplified itunes/lame system i found where its a button to click alt preset standard, insane, fast, etc


    Last edited by a moderator: May 25, 2004
  2. Dave58

    Dave58 Member

    Apr 26, 2004
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    I'm rather new with EAC/LAME as well, and haven't seen this problem, but ...
    EAC has an option under EAC Options > Tools: Do not open external compressor window. I think if this is checked, then you wouldn't see the LAME side of it (so to speak). So it could be working, just not visable. Did you give it a couple minutes and look in the directory you expect to find the MP3 file to see if it was there?
    One other thing you should try is to run LAME independant of EAC. Bring up a command prompt and try to make the MP3 file by giving LAME the command yourself.

    lame [options] inputfile [outputfile]

    For more options, just type:
    lame --help
  3. danielws

    danielws Guest

    how do you give lame the command yourself, i found out that 3.90.3 is the best version, and ill stick to that now, (i was using it before, i dont know why i "upgraded"), but whenever i click the lame.exe button it only stays open for a second and then closes, without the time to see anything in the window...

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