my ipod earphones crapped out a few days ago and i need a new pair of good earphones, i don't want to spend more than $40 on a pair, can anyone tell me a pair with good quality for under that price? thnx, david
The PSP headphones are horrid. I personnaly like these:
The psp ones are alright but they're so quiet! this christmas i got some black seinheisser(?) earphones which i think were about £20 i suggest you google it, look on ebay, or go to a department store.
come one guys, let's recommend a bit of quality here. Even though you don't want to pay more than 40 bucks for a pair, these are my current h/phones, and they are the best pair I have ever used. Black Fontopia Headphones MDR-EX71SL Note that they did set me back GBP30.00 Within your pricerange, however, there are these h/phones which I used to have. Very basey and rich sound. They only set me back GBP17.99 so they are very affordable. Fontopia Stereo HeadphonesspacerMDR-ED21LP If you google both of the names, you will find them in various stores. best place to look is probably amazon.
No problem. Just to note, If you are really keen on sound, I'd purchase the first ones. They are a little out of your range @ $49.99, but that is only at the Sony store. If you can find them cheaper, the sound output is unmatched =)