Hi there. I have 2 qustions. I used to convert DVDs to DivX w/ no problems before. Everything worked fine. But then I got another PC which is P4 1.6, 386 ram etc. Now when I try to open the file that VFPI converted for me it gives me an error message saying that, "virtual dub requierers a video for windows(VFW) compatible codec to decompress video. Directshow codecs, such as those used my Windows media player are not suitable". On this machine I have Xvid codecs, Divx 5.0.5 codecs, AC3 filters installed. I have no idea what to do. Help me please somebody... another question. since virtual dub stopped owrking, I installed easy divX 0.8.2, the new version. When in the second pass ( Encoding the Video ), half way through, it agve me an error message saying setfilename() : setAVIFormate() : couldnt found...!!! Now i have no clue what to do... Somebody please help me with either of the problem. I am so frustrated. Everything used to be just fine.but now its all mess. Please help..!!!!!!!! thanks.
thanks for yr reply powerdup. just to be clear..i removed everything from my computer. all the codecs, media player, real one player, divX codecs everything. after that I installed everything again. Now the problem is that when I try to open up the *.d2v file that DVD2AVI creaated for me, it gives me an error message saying ???? (nameoffile).d2v??????. ne idea about this..?? please let me know. thank you very much.
Which program are you trying to open the d2v file? Also, this might be a dumb question, but did you name the file with the .d2v extension? Is "???? (nameoffile).d2v??????" all the info that was given?
hi. I am using VFAPIConvert coded , version 1.04 b. okay, the thing is that DVD2AVI creates the .d2v file. so I used to just open up the VFAPI, click on add job and then locate the .d2v file. but now when I try to open it, thats the only error message I get, saying ??? file.d2v ??? nothing else. I also installed the .bat file that comes with it. so ...??? neways..thanks for yr help. le me know...
The only thing i can suggest is to use a newer version of the vfapi codec: http://www.divx-digest.com/software/vfapi.html Also heres an interesting article on how vfapi works: http://www.doom9.org/mpg/vfapi_reader_codec.htm