Editing a dvd movie and audio track - can it be done?

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by isaac4130, Jun 11, 2006.

  1. isaac4130

    isaac4130 Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    I'm new to dvd arena, and am using trial versions of anydvd + clonedvd2. I have a music dvd that I want to remove some parts from. Clonedvd seems to let you cut chapters - is there any way / program that you can create your own chapters to cut, rather than the existing ones?
    Also, some of the talking parts are really quiet - can I select areas of the audio track with any program and increase the volume? Or normalise the entire thing like you can do with an audio cd?
    Help appreciated!!
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    I would recommend a couple of differnt programs to do what you want. To cut/edit the video, I'd use MPEG Video Wizard DVD http://www.womble.com/

    For the audio work, the easist way would be to demultiplex the audio and video (seperate them into 2 different files). Normalize the entire track. Then multiplex them back together.
  3. isaac4130

    isaac4130 Regular member

    Apr 21, 2005
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    Cool, thanks for the info - demultiplex? Is this a feature of the above listed program or would I need something seperate to do this?
  4. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    MPEG Video Wizard DVD will demultiplex the video. It will not do the normalization. For that you would need an audio program.

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