Editing Movies and making Mpeg

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by laxmom, May 6, 2006.

  1. laxmom

    laxmom Member

    May 6, 2006
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    I am really new to all this so forgive my ignorance. I have several DVD's that I have recorded on my camcorder of my daughter playing lacrosse. I want to edit these DVD's so that I can create one DVD of her season highlights so I can send then to colleges. i also want to create a short Mpeg that I can send out in e-mail to the coaches. How do I do this? First, how do I copy my DVD to my computer so I can edit the DVD (my camcorder does not connect to my computer - I just have the DVD and a DVD RW drive)? Can I do this with DVD Shrink? I also have Nero Basic and Windows Moviemaker. Can I reach my goal with these programs or is there something else I need? I really appreciate your help. Thanks
  2. laddyboy

    laddyboy Regular member

    Jan 4, 2005
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    If you have the full Nero suite, you can use NeroVision. Nero has a month free trial.


    TMPGEnc Author is also very good, especially for editing, but the newest version 2.0 doesn't allow for saving projects. I think version 1.6 is still available as a 30-day trial.


    For what you want to do, I would definitely use TMPG if the 1.6 trial is still available.

    Here's a link to a guide for doing a video project using TMPGEnc Author:


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