I have some short mpeg footage filmed on a basic photo digi camera. The quality is poor and very dark and i'd like to brighten the levels up. I have nero vision, but doesn't seem to have this feature. Any suggestions please. Thanks in advance...
You can use virtualdub with Fcchandler's mpeg plugin. http://sourceforge.net/project/down...name=VirtualDub-1.7.8.zip&use_mirror=internap http://fcchandler.home.comcast.net/~fcchandler/stable/index.html To use the plugin, unzip the virtualdub and create a new folder like so c:\virtualdub\plugins32 << place the plugin here. Open your mpeg in Virtualdub and select video/filter/add/levels. Drag the middle slider to the left to lighten. Do you wish to save as avi or create another mpeg? Is it mpeg 1 or 2?