Eeprom Question

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by haduke, Jul 24, 2006.

  1. haduke

    haduke Guest

    This may have been covered somewhere else, but I can't seem to find it anywhere.

    I have succesfully softmodded a friend's Xbox. I want to create a restore disk for him in the event he runs into any trouble. My only problem is that I can not seem to find the eeprom.bin file ANYWHERE on his XBox after I FTP into it. I am probaly doing something wrong. So if anyone out there can give me some heads up on how to do this, I would be truly greatful. I did the softmod using the game exploit in Splinter Cell and using SID. Thanks in advance for any help you guys can offer me.
  2. sesko

    sesko Regular member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    the file is called eeprom.bin, i used xbhdm 1.9 and made a restore disc, it puts everything on it you need if you ever screw up your hdd or want to put a bigger one it!
  3. haduke

    haduke Guest

    That's what I am using as well. And I know what the file is called. I just can't find it in any of the folders on the XBox Hard Drive. That is what I am trying to figure out. Where in the world is it? I was able to find it easily on my XBox by looking in the backup folder on the E Drive. However, when I look there on my friend's Xbox, it isn't there. I really need that file because without it, an XBox restore disk won't serve much purpose.
  4. haduke

    haduke Guest

    I'm still trying to figure out where the eeprom.bin file can be found on my friend's XBox. I have looked EVERYWHERE. Does ANYONE have ANY ideas of where it might be? I have to have it to make the restore disk for his Xbox, right? After all, there is a folder in xboxhdm called Eeprom, but it is empty. Could someone PLEASE give me a heads up on this thing? Thanks in advance.
  5. haduke

    haduke Guest


    Someone PLEASE help me!!!

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