I'm busy writing a lot of my albums and single tracks to cd in mp3 format for my mp3/cd player. Only I have 2 problems. 1.How do I eliminate the gaps between tracks, I tried using "mp3 merger" to join the tracks of an album to one big mp3, the gaps are gone then, but I cant cycle between the tracks of the albums, I have to listen to the whole long mp3. 2. When writing tracks that aren't necessarily from the same album I also want to eliminate that gap but at the same time want them to crossfade from one track to the next or it just sounds wrong. Is there any program out there with which I could accomplish this ? Freeware or shareware would be be great, but generally anything. If you can help out plz mail me at: fishbone_irc@yahoo.com Many thnx, -phr33kz0l-
The gab between songs in propably caused by your MP3 player. My TerraTec M3PO has a few second gap each and every time the song/track changes. I think there is nothing you can do about this, except what you already did - merged songs. Go to cd-rw.org/aftwerdawn.com software sections for MP3Trim. It could do the fading job for you.