Hi There I have a email account that runs on our server which all the office use but we now have a freelancer that needs to use the same email. I have managed to get him an account so that when people send him an email to chris@company.com it goes to his gmail but how do get it so that when he sends it from gmail it looks like it has come round chris@company.com rather than the gmail address ?? Hope that makes sense - thanks
First off, are you hosting your own email on your server, or are you popping your email from your ISP? If you are running Exchange and hosting, you can set up Chris (the freelancer) with a pop account on your exchange server. You might have to open up ports 25 and 110 and forward those requests to your mail server. We need a little more info on your system configuration before we can give a solid answer. I know Exchange rather well and should be able to get you going if you are on Exchange. ~Rich