Emulation help for pcsxbox

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by famitsu, Aug 2, 2006.

  1. famitsu

    famitsu Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    I am able to get lunar and knockout kings 2000 to work perfectly.
    Only problem is saves don't work. I usually use save states in other emulators because game backup features are usually useless.
    Unfortunately the save states does not work. Does anyone know how to get save states to work in pcsxbox? or another method to save game progress in pcsxbox? I have knockout kings running directly from the hard disk. and Lunar is running from burned iso DVDrs. Don't know if that makes any difference but I can't save the progress in either game.
    Help is appreciated.

  2. janrocks

    janrocks Guest

    You need to set up the virtual memory cards.. can't remember exactly how I did it now, but it's somewhere in the general settings buried down in the rather confusing menus.
    I'll have a look if I remember when I get home from work.
  3. Tokijin

    Tokijin Active member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Set your saves directory to your emus folder where PCSXbox is located. In my case E-->Emulators-->PCSXbox-->Saves. Go to Configuration-->Change default directories to access it. I've saved a couple games from Lunar fine, couldn't get FFVIII to work with virtual memory card, but emulating FFVIII is a pain in the arse. Out of curiosity, do you notice some skipping in the audio during cut scenes for Lunar? Mine plays okay, minus some audio skipping during cut scenes. Ironically, I can't get a backup of Lunar to work on my PS2, go figure.
  4. famitsu

    famitsu Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    Thanks for the help I'll try it later today. And yes the music in Lunar skips on my xbox too.
  5. Tokijin

    Tokijin Active member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    A new version of PCSXbox was recently released, you can get if off Xbins or torrent sites. As always, if you have issues, try adjusting fixes, boot mode, etc.
  6. famitsu

    famitsu Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    Oh by the way looks like you can just edit pcsxbox.ini to change thew save path much easier. no forget that it doesn't work would be helpful if you could remember where you did it? which option to set saves directory?
  7. famitsu

    famitsu Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    Thank you again,creating a save called saves in my pcsxbox directory and then changing the default save directory in the default directories of the configuration menu worked beautifully. And by the way version 15 and sixteen of pcsxbox Suck! I am still using version 10 cause it's the only one i can get to work. Don't ever let me get my hands the jerk from export who released versions 14-16. at least i learned to use xbins today because of it. But i wasted my entire day fighting to get those versions to work. It has a beautiful interface and splash screen. But why the hell would expect it to work. That is asking way too much. All those versions freeze every time you try to load a game on the splash screen. Worst of all i have to patch all the xbes on version 14 or 16 just to get them to boot the splash screen. Anyone planning on using pcsxbox i suggest using version ten until someone fixes the bugs on the new versions if ever. This is the most complex annoying emulator to configure in the first place and in my opinion it just got worse. Xport should fix these problems to redeem themselves. No other emulators require configuring save states.
    not only that but who wants to waste hd space on ps1 games if it doesn't let you run from dvd that also sucks. version ten runs fine from dvd. so it's great that i can play ps1 games it just sucks that the new versions are worse than the old ones.
  8. Tokijin

    Tokijin Active member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    I thought the same thing about the new releases, at first. After playing with v17, I was able to get Final Fantasy VII, Diablo, Breath of Fire 4, and Tales of Destiny 2 to run very well. Three of the four won't even boot on my PS2. It does have some issues, essentially your settings have to 100% correct for games to work properly without freezing. If you want the emus to how up in your Emulator menu, rename one of the cores default.xbe

    To get it to read the MC's, I had to delete previous PCSXbox saves. I keep v1 installed just in case, it's pretty much hit or miss, it works or doesn't, settings don't make a ton of difference. V17 is the total opposite, there's a ton of settings, and if one's off, the game won't boot/freeze.
  9. famitsu

    famitsu Member

    Aug 2, 2006
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    I got version 10 working perfectly.
    The versions from 11-16 suck. So when I finish Lunar I might try version 17. But right now I don't want to lose my saves. the cd occasionally slipping is not worth a reinstall right now. But since you said Finaly fantasy saves don't work on 10 might be worth upgrading later. Only probably if i find other used ps1 games at Gamestop or eb games that i never had time to play but alays wanted too. I got knock out kings for 5 bucks.I also won't take chances uninstalling version 10 until i first know that version 17 is working.
    Thanks again for your experices They have proved helpful,
  10. Tokijin

    Tokijin Active member

    Sep 9, 2005
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    Again, it does seem that way at first, but you can get them working with some effort. They provide more fixes/options than previous versions. If even one of them is off, yes it can be aggravating. However, older releases are hit or miss, if something doesn't work well, often tweaking settings does nothing. With the amount of settings/fixes available in the newer versions, there's a much better chance of getting a game working properly if it doesn't with the default settings.

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