emulation help plz plz

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by jiggles, Apr 8, 2007.

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  1. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    i have tried for 6 hours today to get these few things working.
    n64 emulator
    psx emulator
    gba emulator

    i use pcsxbox.. it starts up.. i pick the game but i cant get it off the screenshot selection thing unless i pick any file... but then i cant figure out how to start the damn thing

    i use surreal 64 and it freezes when i start any game

    gba emulator crashes my xbox

    can some one plz explain how to get these things working?

    (soft mod -unleashx)(all newest versions of emulators)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  2. m0dnewb

    m0dnewb Regular member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    if you make a slayer 2.7 disk you can get all of those that work and some cool applications...

    so yeah download the torrent then unzip the file then use and iso burner and burn the iso to a cd-rw and then put it in your xbox and download the option install apps/xbmc on retail hdd and there you go :)

    if you need like a step by step help just message me or repost on this :)
  3. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    the psx emu works but i cant figure out how to start the game theres no start button and it dont work pressing start on the controller

    and what do i do about the surreal64 it says loading and freezes when i load a game ..dont matter the game or any of the 3 emu i pick still does the same

    the gba jus doesnt work straight up ill try a diff one

    btw the pcsxbox site says i can use iso file but they have to be in rar format... thats what i use but should i switch to bin and cue files?
    also i have the 1001 bios file already
    if you have aim my sn is jigglednads
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  4. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    ok i got new emus... the gba is just like the pcsx... a damn menu and no start any where

    the n64 still freezes

    so whats this slayer 2.7 disc what does it do and how is it gonna help me
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  5. m0dnewb

    m0dnewb Regular member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    well i recently discovered it...ITS AMAZING

    well if you delete any important files you can use this disk to get them back be reinstalling the c drive

    then if you click the install apps/xbmc on retail HDD then you will get like 6 emulators that ALL WORK PERFECT!!! SNES,GENISIS,N64,PC,Atari, and PS1

    umm... yeah its a good thing to get

    using this you can just get rid of those bogus emulators that dont work

    just google and download some things and buy some blank cds here is a list you need

    *BUY a pack of CD-RW
    *google/download a torrent downloader
    *google/download the slayer 2.7 torrent
    *google/download a ISO burning program (look for the windows upgrade one its REALLY EASY to use)
    *google/download WinRAR or WinZIP (im sure you have something aleady)

    then ill lead you step by step from there
  6. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    i dont think the ps1 emu is bogus tho i just cant find a start game option any where

    but that sounds good man can i use a normal cd-r or does it have to be rewrite?

    or do i even have to do this or can you jus tell me where the damn start game thing is cus its no where at all n i try pressing start

    and the slayer thing is a evox auto installer?
    i dont want evox its garbage only thing its good for is trainers n i jus use xored launcher works perfect
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  7. 98sohc

    98sohc Regular member

    Jan 9, 2006
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    the only reason they said cd-rw is because the xbox doesn't like cd-r. you can use dvd-r just as easy, and probably cheaper than cd-rw. xbox loves dvd-r.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2007
  8. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    only problem with that is i dont have a dvd rom on my comp
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  9. m0dnewb

    m0dnewb Regular member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    yeah i dont either mine only burns cd's

    but yes it has to be cd rw sorry...i know there expensive :(

    but no there is an option in it under 5)change starting dashbored

    then there is unleashX,evox,xbmc,and Avalaunch

  10. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    k ill get on that if i cant do any thing else

    do you kno where there is an option to start the game cus thats my main problem is i cant figure out how to start the damn things

    like seriously i do every thing i can and i cant find a damn damn start button on gba or ps1 like its just a shit load of menus and nothing else
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  11. m0dnewb

    m0dnewb Regular member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    wow i just think i gave you some crap info about the emulators it comes with it doesnt have ps1 or gba it has n64 tho...wow my bad...it might have them on the disk but i havent downloaded all the different choices because i have a small hd in it right now..

    i dont know why it wont let you start games the emulators are usually easy...i think you can view the settings and buttons in one of the documents it comes with in the folder...
  12. jiggles

    jiggles Guest

    i dont even really want more programs i jus wanna kno where to click start game on the pcsxbox
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 2, 2007
  13. m0dnewb

    m0dnewb Regular member

    Mar 13, 2007
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    well i cant help you there sorry all i can say its probley a bad emulator
  14. creaky

    creaky Moderator Staff Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    multipost closed
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