I've been looking around the Net, trying to find some decent emulators for GB, SNES, NES, etc. I came up with SNEmulDS and Lameboy, though both seem to run at odd framerates and aren't completely compatible (ie. sound) with most games. Seems like alot of the apps are alpha or beta software and haven't been updated in awhile. Any suggestions on more mature emulators for DS? Or is the DS hardware the major obstacle?
Its the ds hardware. Most are old projects and very few have had any input for ages, I use JenesisDS - that works on some Megadrive games but again not all. Its all a bit hit and miss, the simpler the graphics on the game the better it runs (as a general rule)
Figured so, especially since I was testing launch titles such as Super Mario Land and Super Mario World, which I think would be very basic.
Look Here http://gbatemp.net/index.php?showforum=28 Compatability for the emulators and settings to use to get the best out of them!