which emulators r the best for xbox? cause i wanna b able 2 play n64 emulator n harvest moon on my xbox thanks
i got surreal but how do i have the xbox recognize my cd-rw i got a 1.0v so its a n old 1 n i no these cds work with it
How do you mean.. If the xbox reads the disks then just load an app like unleash or avalaunch and put the emulator in E:\ apps.. the other way is to put the emulator on the disk with the default.xbe file in the root directory, and the roms where they go in the folder, but that usually leads the emulator not to find the roms because of the way everything is set up..
i think honestly that drac x, galaga, adventure island, blazing lasers, military madness rock on hugo it is also has excellent ps1 symphony of the night and fbaxxx neogeo/cps12 emu just rocks....
HugoX is a pig to configure on the xbox...obsolete anyway as it only handles a few games and the controller mapping is hosed..go for it if you can handle setting it for every single game every time you load..
you know you are right about hugo being a pig a buddy on another forum just put me on to mednafenx pcev2 and i think emu is much much better....