i have an os x and i downloaded a sega emulator with games. it is a .sms file and when i try to open it i am asked to open with an application. thing is i dont know which one to use and ive tried a few. if anyone knows what to do could you please help?!?
Hello If your emulator doesn´t work, you should just get another emulator. http://www.pure-mac.com/- very good site for mac users, is kind of a app. tracker of all kinds, photo edition, 3d rendering, EMULATORS,etc. http://www.pure-mac.com/emu.html -just if you don´t find the emulators link. The site provides you with emulators, but not with ROM games, the rom games are exactly the same the pc uses, so i think you know where to find them, just google for them, and remember, macs are almost invulnerable to viruses, so it is secure to navigate.