I know that the encode part take about 8-10 hrs,but when i got to that spot i encoded and it took like 30sec. I know something is wrong. I have a regular hp dvd/cd-rw that came with my 1.4 gighertz comp. so its not like i have the best burner. MY email is *no_email_address_in_the_forum@aol.com* if you would rather email me what i have to do thanks for your time
Ratino, no email address in the forums. Please follow the rules or you will be banned. I don't quite understand your question. What takes you 30 seconds? Seeking to a particular part of the video? Don't really get what you mean by "...but when i got to that spot i encoded and it took like 30sec".
Sry about the email thing When I read that instructions of doomp.net it tell me that the encoding part will take from 6-10 hrs. When i click on the encode in remepg2 it does the encodeing part for about 30 sec and then says its done. IF this part is sopposed to take hrs then why is mine gettig done in secs?