Encryption error

Discussion in 'DVDR' started by Muice, Apr 26, 2006.

  1. Muice

    Muice Member

    Apr 26, 2006
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    I have been checking around for a minute now and I want to back up my Dvd's I have a dell computer and When i try to back up my disc i get the encrption statement I have been reading on here about the dvd shrink and dvd decrypter. what do i do first?
  2. soberfree

    soberfree Regular member

    Jul 13, 2005
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  3. theboltz

    theboltz Regular member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    I'm still new at this, too! First thing you want to do is get good dvd media, made in Japan, like Taiyo Yuden, Verbatim, Sony and Fugi, are sure bets. The first two are the best. You can get Taiyo Yuden on line at supermediastore.com for a good price. Then two programs I use with no problems are DVDFabDecrypter and DVDShrink to make your copies. Use DVDFabDecrypter to download to your hard drive, it is as simple as clicking on a button. Then go to DVDShrink click on folder, it will bring up VIDEO_TS, click on that and it will load up your movie, next decide how much of the DVD you want to keep, by going to Re-Author, then click on compression to get rid of other languages and audio, I reccommend that you only keep ac3 5.1 english. Then put your blank media in your burner and push back up, it will take you to some settings burn at no higher than 8x, 4x makes the best copies, I think, but thats my opinion and I think a lot of people agree, close that out and it will start on its own. By the way set up your DVDShrink to burn automatically with Nero if that is your write program. Thats about it, it works for me and I haven't had any problems. I spent a lot of time on this site and it helped me. So good luck. Like I said I am new to all this too. Also when you go to DVDShrink, go to edit and select preferences and select your setup, one thing I did was change my DVD target size to custom and set it at 4300mb so I don't run to close to edge.
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2006

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