Hi all I copied my first dvd yesterday dremcather using nero version 6 recode 2 and anydvd running in the background, when i went to watch the film it was perfect all the way through untill the last 10 mins when the picture kept going blocky and freezing, any ideas what could cause this? I am using a toshiba sd r6112 drive on a laptop with 2400+ processor 512k ram 40g harddirve and the blank dvd i was using was a yello datawrite classic. any help would be appreciated. chris
I had the same problem with about 3 in 10 disc's.Dropped Nero and tried Copytodvd never looked back.300+ backups no probs.Maybe lucky but I use different media all the time, including yellow datawrite classic.
Hi Newton29, The last part of your film is sitting on the outer edge of the DVD blank. This area of the disk spins at a much faster rate than the center or middle when you are playing it.. and also when you are burning it. If the media is flaky.. ie: not of good quality... then it's possible that when burning it is not making a clean burn because the outside is spinning faster and the laser is not imprinting as well as it should. This may be just enough to cause the problems you're describing. You may want to change the brand of media as suggested above.. or you may want to try to slow down your burns if that's an option. Regards, CK
Sorry to cut in like this but this post has just put me one step closer to solving a problem ive bein having...anyway ct-uk when you say slow down your burn speeds you mean it literally? i.e take the burn speed from 4X down to 2X...and do you know it helps from experience or is it just a suggestion? anyway...ill stop with the retarded questions now... thanks alot, Dave
I agree with Nephilim. I used to have the same issue with cheaper media, until I dropped my output size in DVD2one to 4444 MB.
think all angles have been covered already but wot the hell here's 2 penny worth. i had same problem as this to begin and so far it seems to have been the media i was using. i now stick to ritek g04 (which btw in the uk are only a mid priced disc and not the most expensive) and have not had a failure yet........well not one that wasn't down to me being stupid and burning the wrong file. cheers guys viper
thanks for all your help i do not have dvd2one could i shirnk the size in dvd shrink to 4444mb, if so is it easy?? Thanks again Chris
It is a problem I am familiar with. I had 'smudging', blocking with intermittent freezing of the image, ALWAYS in the last 10 minutes of the film. The files on the Hard Drive were perfect. So, it's not the ripping but the burning process that is the problem. I am convinced it is partially caused by the Media/Brand you are using but also related to your firmware. By upgrading to the latest firmware(LiteOn 411S), I stopped having problems with the TDK DVD+R discs I had bought. If you do NOT have the latest firmware, make sure you update it before buying a ton of different media. Check firmware through Google.
if you keep the compression setting to "automatic" then shrink will always keep the size of what you are burning down to the size of your disc. for better quality try and keep the files you want down to the least number possible. would give you link to shrink guide but dont know how.......but if you click on home tab at top of screen you'll find your way there.
Siber...I think youre onto a winner there...the dvd's that were having problems were bein played in my friends dvd players...i burned badboys 2 for myself again popped in my dvd player and scooted on over to another friends to compare the playback because it was perfect in my crappy dvd player(when i say crap i mean crap. So anyway we stuck it on his dvd player which is quite crap aswell and it had blocks and was stuttering along towards the end of the movie...so im going with the firmware theory because i havent had a problem with any of my dvd's b4 then again its still early days yet so we'll see.
isnt updating your firmware dangerous??? i had a quick look for mine toshba sd-r6112 but could not see it, if i do find it, is it easy to install???
Download a free program like DVDIdentifier to find out your present firmware. It usually is noted right next to the model and make the program comes up with. There are several sites (Firmware page, etc.) where you can find out what the latest firmware for your model is. You can usually download it from the same site or from the official (Toshiba, Sony, NEC, LiteOn) websites. Try to get it 'for windows' rather than as a 'bin file' if you are not familiar with this process. If you are positive you have the correct firmware for your exact model, it is very easy and quite safe to 'flash' your drive with the latest firmware. You can then check with DVDIdentifier or similar program if the new firmware is noted next to your DVD burner. If you have a power failure or your internet fails in the middle of the 'flash'procedure, you could have serious problems such as a completely unresponsive and unrecognized burner. Hope this helps.