Hi All, I just recently softmodded my xbox with SID 4.0 and the Splinter Cell exploit. I backed up my eeprom.bin using the backup function in EvoX and then proceeded to FTP into the box to backup my C: and E: on my laptop. I copied these files to the corresponding directories in the xboxhdm 1.9 folder and I placed the backed up eeprom (obtained from E in the linux/eeprom directory. I made the ISO, and then built the HD from scratch in my desktop tower. I locked the drive using option 3 in xboxhdm, however, when I went to replace the HD in the xbox, I got error 06 on startup. I understand the nature of this error but I do not know why the eeprom is not correct. It was obtained directly from the factory xbox HD. Do I need to use another application besides the built in EvoX backup function to obtain the eeprom? I know the HD is lockable as I checked it on the compatibility list and it's fine. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks so much!!! JimmyT
Sometimes this happens.. Have a read of unicron's eeprom guide, with particular attention to the xboxhdm disk eeprom details. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/357863 Here is a strange possibility. It may have locked the drive to your pc mobo eeprom instead, the locking tools are a little buggy. Sometimes wierd things happen. Ldots admits the lock/unlock tools aren't his, and to use some caution with them. I just hope you can unlock the drive and that the eeprom.bin file isn't corrupted in some way. Maybe you will get lucky. If your original drive is still working follow this. Put it back in and try finding this file.. http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/446628
janrocks, I tried obtaining the eeprom from the folder E:\UDATA\21585554\000000000000\Backup and incorporated this into the proper folder in xboxhdm (v1.9). I re-burnt the .iso and I was able to lock the HD! Thanks very much for your quick response with my issue.