says error # 06 and the eject button flashes red and green. whats the prob with it, and am i able to fix it?
yes this is fixable 6 - kernel - Cannot unlock HDD If you understand the above, you should be able to understand what this means. It means you are trying to boot up the xbox with an harddisk that is locked in combination with ANOTHER motherboard than you are using it with right now. What can i do about it, you ask? Well place the harddisk back in the xbox where it came from. After that, UNLOCK the harddisk with the same procedure i explained above (see error 5). Now when the harddisk is UNLOCKED, put it in the xbox which gave you the error. Now when you boot up with the chip ON it should not give you an error anymore. However when you put the xbox on with the chip OFF your xbox will give you an error. (error 5) So to make sure you can boot original and boot with the chip ON. Next do the same as above: "Boot up your xbox with the chip on. Preferrably with a slayer evo-x cd. Now you choose "Eeprom management." Than you choose: "Lock hdd." It takes one second. After its ready it should say something like "Done" When it is ready just turn off your xbox. Disable your chip and try to boot original. Now there should be no more error.
i would do that but my other mother board was being gay. it turned on and off by its self when i turned it on. after the third time of power cycling by its self then it stayed on but flashed red and green. so i just put in a new xbox mother board and now the mother board works but the hard disk isnt. so is there a way to unlock the hard drive with out using the other motherboard and i dont want to have to redue the soft modding because i dont know how. my cousin did it for me. so if you can tell me how to unlock the hard drive with out the other motherboard and with out having to start all over with the soft modding then i would really appreciate it. thnx guys.
i have no idea. my cousin did all that stuff. all i know is we used his xbox to mod my xbox. we didnt use any game or anything.
does his xbox has modchip or softmod? Can you ask him how did he mod your xbox? The hdd on your xbox is stock hdd or upgrade hdd?
its soft mod. is how he modded it is he unlocked my original HDD by unplugging the data cable at a certain point after turning on the xbox. then he hooked his xbox data cable and stuff to mine or something like that. i know he was using his soft modded xbox to soft mod mine. but the HDD that i have in it right now is a upgraded one. its 80GB and both the original and the upgrade wont work for some reason. its prob just like that guy said its because its with a dif mother board than it was with when i first soft modded it. but i think if i can unlock it some how with out erasing anything and with out using the motherboard that i soft modded it with then i could fix it. so heres my question is there a way to unlock the hard drive with out erasing any thing and with out using the motherboard that i first started with.
I think he use xboxhdm to softmod your xbox. You can't use other xbox to softmod or to upgrade hdd for your xbox. That is why you xbox can't unlock the hdd. Plus you may not have lost the eeprom of your xbox now. Hopefully, I backed it up at the first time. I think you have to use xboxhdm to unlock the hdd. because he used xboxhdm to lock it.
here is 2 tutors
thnx man i appreciate it. i think this is the answer to my problems. ill give it a shot and then get back with you. laterz