I have been patient and studied many tutorials, and I am not asking questions out of ignorance, or laziness. I just finished my first hd swap and I am getting an 06 error. I know that means I have the wrong eeprom but it is the right one, I have triple checked. I used xboxhdm and followed this tutorial "http://forums.afterdawn.com/thread_view.cfm/533828" using only the tools supplied there. This post seems to be the closest thing I could find to my problem "http://forums.xbox-scene.com/lofiversion/index.php/t388378.html" but I am using 1.9 so wtf?
I wasnt sure if I should format the hdd I was using but there was a part in the tutorial where it said to put the xboxhd files on the hdd. So I formatted the hdd and put all the xboxhd files on it, then built my iso there and left them on the drive does this make a difference?
It works now, I just started from scratch. Redownloaded everything, ftp'd the eeprom again, built a new unformatted disk. It now works.