Error 12 instead of 11?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Software discussion' started by N0o0o0b, Feb 6, 2006.

  1. N0o0o0b

    N0o0o0b Guest

    newb here. i got a error 16 and i decided to fix my xbox by going into this site: and i took out the DVD IDE cable and the power cable and when i boot the xbox it boots into error 12 instead of 11. any suggestions? thankz in advance
  2. N0o0o0b

    N0o0o0b Guest

  3. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    I'm not following you, you just disconnected your dvd drive. What were you trying to accomplish. And what exactly is wrong with your xbox.
  4. ndjumpbal

    ndjumpbal Guest

    that's why he's name is Noooooob... people don't read into what they are doing and just do random DUMB stuff
  5. N0o0o0b

    N0o0o0b Guest

    i tried to mod my xbox and i deleted my :c/ which my xbox boots into an error 16. So i tried to fix it so i unpluged the XBOX DVDROM IDE cable,and took the power cable off the dvd-rom.Then the hotswap guide says the xbox should boot into an error 11 but instead my xbox boots into an error 12. What did i do wrong?
  6. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    nah dude its chill i dont like to rip on people i just wanted to know more about this problem. My suggestion to use xboxhdm to reformat your hd. You wont be able to restore your files but you can reformat it to run with EvoX again and have it work again.

    Just a question but which hotswap tut are you using? And howd u delete your C: drive in the first place

    Oh and for the record,

    an error 11 Kernel:NO DVD Found, this would be normal for disconnected your DVD drive

    Error 12 Kernel:DVD Parameters (PIO/DMA),

    I dont know what the error 12 means exactly but mayb someone else can follow that up for me

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2006
  7. N0o0o0b

    N0o0o0b Guest

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 7, 2006
  8. knizzle

    knizzle Guest

    yeah thats a legitament source, my suggestion is to try and do it again, if you havent tried it. Also, remake the iso file and be careful and take your time. Should work fine
  9. joebreadx

    joebreadx Member

    Jul 15, 2006
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    Yes, i am also getting this error code. I bought this xbox from my friend who thought he could soft mod it and ended up screwing up. There is no dashboard and everytime i boot up i get error 16. I tried to follow the same tutorial as the above guy and everytime i freaking unplug my dvd drive i get error code 12 instead of 11. does anyone know how to fix this? I need help! Thanks you are awalys a big help

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