Hi all, I softmodded xbox ages ago using splinter cell exploit. Installed unleashx from what i can remember. As usual I like to upgrade XMBC now and then by t3ch. anyways i couldnt ftp in for somereason and thought id use the the eject button to boot into unleashx direct. I tried ftp'ing no luck, but by mistake i pressed a button a on of the buttons under restart ftp or something like that. I think it was the 5964 (something like) and then when i restarted it gave me error 14 and then after i left it unplugged for a while it gave me am error 16 (system clock/dash error). So I thought the best thing to do was to replace the XMBC with slayers copy of C and E drives. So i did the hotswap but when i started deleting files and adding slayers with xplorer360 it froze the hard drive. on restart i noticed one of the partition had disappeared. Stumped and unable to find anything that can help. I thought id use Xbox hd preparer on my drive its still formatting as i type this. But now i dont know what to expect after doing alot of reading. will i still be able to use xplorer360 to copy files or will the partitions need formatting. by using xbox hd preparer has it been unlocked as well hence unusable, Do softmods only modify the hard drive or the firmware/bios/eeproms as well? theoretically speaking if i could copy all the files over from slayers shoud that work? P.S i have no backups of anykind. dont have splinter cell or anything like that. Any chances of a resurrection? Thanx.
UPDATE: after xbox hd preparer finished restarted comp glad to see it is still locked(bios asked for password). after hotswap xplorer360 could not find the drive. How can i prep the hd now without any of the eeprom info?