Like the title says, I've got an error 21, and I've read the great sticky, but I still have the error. I get the M$ screen, disconnect, attach to PC, and the hardware manager does recognize the new HDD. Xplore found the HDD, I deleted and replaced files, and when I restart, I get the same error 21. Followed all steps properly, still no luck. Any ideas?
Error 21 is probably the most annoying error there is and the easiest way to fix it is to go back and undo what you did or replace the C partition with either a clean or modded dash. There's a link in my signature for my cheater C. Just download it and replace your C with mine. When you turn your xbox back on after you swap the files your xbox will boot avalaunch. Here's a link to a clean ms dash 5960 Just pick one and replace your files.
That did it. I have three of these boxes that I fixed in 30 minutes using your files and advice. It even corrected an error 16 that didn't even show the M$ logo, and I read on the forums you couldn't fix the box if the logo wouldn't show. I doff my hat to you, C4RN1.