ok i modded my exbox about a month ago via hotswapping. it works beautifully. about a week later my desk top blows its motherboard. i baught another xbox and was going to xbox to xbox hotswap it. everything was going fine. i created a boot disk with boxplorer and some apps and dashes i wanted to install. things were going great till my 20 month old daughter cane in and pushed some buttons. im not sure what happened, but i never got the chance to make a backup and now it seems that i cant write any info to the c partition. i have slayers disk and AID and neither one seem to be properly formating and installing the apps and dashes i want. so now the 2nd xbox boots to an error 21 and it seems nothing i can think of will change this. it still olay real original xbox games if booted with them in the dvd drive. anyone that caould help would be greatly appreciated.
My xbox works as long as I don't try to access the memory from the dashboard (get error21) it willnot even copy music say it is full I was trying to mod with a autoinstaller How to softmod your xbox...for FREE from instructables swrew up my xbox i made a usb drive to use with splinter cell but can't access the usb drive error 21 in the memory