ERROR 5:Access Denied

Discussion in 'Windows - General discussion' started by bearsball, Jun 18, 2006.

  1. bearsball

    bearsball Member

    Jun 18, 2006
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    Can someone please help me with this...I just got a new Dell D620 and want to download some programs off of the internet. Everything I try to download results in the error with this message "unable to create the directory to C:/ProgramFiles/....." and "error 5:Access Denied". I have read that on Microsoft XP it defaults to not allowing you to download anything from third parties. Can someone verify that or tell me something that would allow me to bypass the error and actually be able to download the sofware.
    Thanks in advance, I hope someone can help becuase I am getting very frustrated. Thanks alot and have a good one.
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Is the computer set up with different accounts? Error 5 usually only shows up when you try to install drivers/updates and you don't have Admin priviliges.

    [bold]I have read that on Microsoft XP it defaults to not allowing you to download anything from third parties. [/bold]



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