Long story here. But i have a spiderchip. I obtained a copy of SLAYERS EVOX 2.6 the chip has been flashed w. executer 2 256k bios. Anyway i bought a seagate 160gig hd formatted it with SLAYERS, I backed up my copy of jedi Academy and rebooted the machine and now i get an ERROR 7 Code. According to xbox-scene It means the HD kernel timed out. IS there a way to fix this?? Please help Thank you
at least if your hard drive is dead,(which it might not be) tyou can always buy a new one and reformat it and install a new dash. So you're not totally screwed.
Slayers installed ok, but after that it doesnt work. Could it be i bought a bad HD. Are Seagate HDs good or are they know for bad products?
I think maybe youre right about luck not being on my side. I ended up just exchanging it for another. Thanks for the help