I'm trying to install ConvertX to DVD on a Windows 7 Home Premium system. I continue to get "Error code 1925. You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this installation for all users of the machine. Log on as an administrator and then retry this installation." Problem is I am logged in as an administrator. I've restarted the system and get the same. I've created another admin account...same. I've installed this program on a different system (Win 7 ultimate)and it worked fine. Not sure what is going on or how to get it to work. Any advise?...thanks in advance.
lobstah24, edit your sig to conform to forum specs ASAP. yours appears to be 10 lines which includes the blank line. 1. Text-only signatures should have at most 5 lines of text.
check your account to see if you are actually admin & not guest or other option. what is the user account control set at on both win7 machines as maybe yours is to high thereby not allowing you to install program?
Tried turning UAC off...no luck. As for checking if I'm actually an Admin...I checked in the User accounts section of Control Panel...it indicates that I am an Admin. Is there somewhere else I should check?
win7 uac uses a slidebar up & down so move it all the way down. have you tried loading program in safemode?
Did the slide bar all the way down thing...no luck. I'll try the safemode and report in...standby please... EDIT: Tried the safemode approach...it errored out due to the windows installer not being available in safemode...this is VERY frustrating but thanks for all the suggestions so far.
how old is this win7 of yours as maybe there was an update that is causing this so maybe a system restore might work?