I have dowloaded a movie which used to work I don't know what ive done since but when i play it now its just sound and no picture i have tried playing it in Windoes Media Player, Quick Time and Real One Player and it works in none of them, on Media Player it says "error downloading codec" can any one help me please? My operating system is XP Home Edition and the file is a .AVI . Please help Tom Harrison
Ye do. You see this is a hack of the MPEG-4 codec so Microsoft don't recognise it as a compatible codec. It won't cause any problems for you. I know that cause I use XP too.
well then while ur at it do u know why when i watch flash movies i only hear the first milli second of sound effects?
When you watch flash movies. Well thats a whole different thing really. Amm D'you have all the latest flash players installed?